If you think you’re safer inside your home because you’re breathing cleaner air, you may be mistaken. Studies have shown that indoor air can be up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air. That said, you might want to consider hiring an expert who can evaluate your indoor air quality.
How You’ll Benefit From a Furnace Tune-Up This Fall
While you can get a furnace tune-up at almost any time of the year, many HVAC technicians agree that the best time to do it is in the fall. This season is a transition period from the hot days of summer to the cold days of winter, so during this time you’ll need to make sure that your furnace can keep up with the lower temperatures. If it isn’t optimized for the colder weather, you either risk a breakdown or increased energy costs (beyond what’s normal for the season). Below our team at HVAC Construction outlines a few of the benefits of scheduling a furnace tune-up this fall.
Should You Repair or Replace Your HVAC System?
As a general rule, if your HVAC system is more than 15 years old, you should consider replacing it. As your HVAC system ages, it will require increasingly frequent repairs. And while repairs don’t cost that much individually, the costs can quickly add up. That’s why, in the long run, getting an HVAC replacement makes both practical and financial sense. Important note: Keep in mind that infrequent maintenance can drastically shorten your HVAC system’s service life. As a general rule, your system should be inspected and maintained at least twice a year. Other than keeping track of your HVAC system’s service life, how can you tell if the system needs to be replaced? By keeping an eye out for the warning signs below.
How to Set Up Your Air Conditioner Before Going on Vacation
If you’re ready to go on vacation, you’re probably trying to decide whether or not you should turn off the air conditioner while you’re away. The short answer is: keep it running. In today’s post, the HVAC contractors at HVAC Construction, Inc. share the benefits of keeping your air conditioner running while you’re away on vacation.
The Importance of Matching Evaporator and Condenser Coils
The evaporator and condenser units are two key components of every air conditioning system. The coils housed within these units are essential for generating cool air on one end and releasing heat from the indoors on the other. In today’s post, the local HVAC contractors at HVAC Construction, Inc. explain the importance of having matched evaporator and condenser coils.