The colder the weather gets, the drier your indoor air becomes. Installing a whole-house humidifier can help combat this problem. In addition to your heating system, it’s important to clean and maintain your humidifier. HVAC construction company HVAC Construction shares care and maintenance tips for your whole-house humidifier in today’s blog.
Why You Should Schedule Your Furnace Replacement in the Summer
The modern furnace boasts features that older models could only dream of— higher efficiency ratings, quieter operation and a dozen other bells and whistles that translates to benefits for you, the homeowner. If you’re thinking about upgrading from your clunky old heater to a shiny new unit, consider the benefits of scheduling your replacement during the summer season.
How Your Carrier® HVAC Can Save You Money
You’ve done your homework and consulted with your HVAC contractor for a new heating and air conditioning installation. The only thing left to do is set up the dates and you’re good to go, right? Wrong. There’s still the matter of a budget. New installations can cost you an arm and a leg, and expenses for repairs and upgrades can be just as steep.
Heat Recovery Ventilators: How Do They Work?
Cooling your space and improving indoor air quality don’t always go hand in hand. Opening your windows can’t always moderate the temperature of your rooms effectively, and running your AC when your windows are open is just wasteful. When natural ventilation doesn’t work, there’s one solution: go mechanical.
Asthma Management: How to Improve Indoor Air Quality
Did you know that in most cases indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air? Perhaps nobody knows this fact better than asthma sufferers. Sadly, many of their asthmatic symptoms are triggered at home, which should be the safest place for them.